Ahh, a fresh new year. Clean, bright, full of possibilities. Here’s what’s happening in the Everyday Earthe studio this month…
“I” is now “We!”
For the first three years of Everyday Earthe, it has been a one woman show. I have designed, made, priced, packed, shipped, marketed and all the other things a solo artist/entrepreneur does. Now, just a few months shy of my fourth anniversary in business, I have brought on a team member to help me in the studio. Many of you already know and love her - she is by my side in my booth at almost every Boonsboro Farmers Market. She is a sparkly, magical person who will brighten your day wherever you meet her. It’s my marvelous sister, Casey! She is my younger sister - it’s just us two. Ever since we were little she has been my sidekick, partner in crime (sorry, mom!) and my best friend. I can’t imagine a more perfect person to share my dream with. So far she’s helping me in the studio one day per week, but I hope to increase that to two days before mid-year, and then more if possible…if she doesn't get sick of being covered in clay!
The ongoing plate saga…
When I started Everyday Earthe back in April, 2020 I had a vision of creating a line of artistic, unique, handcrafted and heirloom quality pottery that could incorporate seamlessly into your everyday lives. So far I’ve created mugs, cups, serving bowls, platters, butter keepers and more, but something has always been missing. The heart of any meal, the modest workhorses that serve us our daily nourishment…I’m talking about plates and bowls! Over the past three years I have been experimenting with different designs in search of the perfect Everyday Earthe plate. There are many variables to consider - size, weight, and method of construction, among others. Should they be heavy or light? Thick or thin? Should they have a foot or a smooth bottom? And how about the rim? Should they be wheel thrown or hand built? Plates for potters can be deceptively complicated if you are trying to come up with a well thought out design that can be duplicated many times over. I am in search of a design that is beautiful, durable, and unique. This task has required a lot of patience, curiosity, and willingness to fail. It has also required lots of testing in my own kitchen and those of my close friends! I needed to be sure that my glazes would hold up, that the edges would not chip in the dishwasher, that they weren’t too heavy…etc. This is an item that will become part of your family’s everyday rituals - I take that very seriously! I’m happy to say that after all this time and experimentation, the first Everyday Earthe plates and bowls will be available by April 1st. It may be a limited edition, but it represents a huge step forward in accomplishing this long standing goal.
A big 2024 goal…
Despite having hired a superstar helper, it’s still just me making every piece of Everyday Earthe pottery. I am very blessed to say that so far in my journey demand has always outpaced supply. While that is a great problem to have, I want to be a place where you can come at any time to find unique gifts or pieces for your home. I don’t want to be the website that always seems to be out of stock, and I DO want to have a selection of your favorites available at all times! One of my biggest goals for 2024 is to establish a core collection of Everyday Earthe classics that are available year round. If I can, I will offer limited editions designed to mix and match with the core collection. Over the past year I have been investing in equipment and tools to help me accomplish this, including a large new kiln that can fire three times the capacity of my old one. As I continue to grow as a potter, hone my designs and skills, and grow my studio capacity this goal moves closer and closer to being a reality.
It’s official…
One thing that’s common for us artisans and makers this time of year is planning our markets for the upcoming months. While many aren’t open for application yet, there are a few early ones that are. One such event is the annual HCC Flower & Garden Show, which I will be attending for the 3rd consecutive year. Soon I will be working on unique planters and other garden themed goodies to bring to the show, and I’m very excited to see what designs come to life! I will be sharing sneak peeks along the way on Facebook, Instagram, and in my monthly email newsletter.
The end.
It’s only January 7th as a write this. I think that’s a big enough update for only being one week into the month! If you’re not already signed up to my email list I highly encourage you to do so. I will be emailing more frequently this year and in some cases, that will be the only way to know when I add new limited editions and one of a kind pieces, or when out of stock items are available again.
That’s all for now, folks! Feel free to drop me a line at jocelyn@everydayearthe.com if you have any questions, comments, or would like to visit the studio. There is also an easy to use form on our contact page.
With gratitude for a wonderful 2023 and excitement for 2024,
JocelynThe Potter
Everyday Earthe
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