This year I’m super excited to announce that in addition to the Boonsboro Farmers Market in my home town I will also be attending the bi-weekly farmers market in Brunswick, MD. I have big plans to make special items just for these markets - thoughtful pottery items that will complement the other offerings available at these wonderful homegrown events.
I absolutely adore being a part of the market community - my fellow vendors have been so welcoming and helpful, and the support of our friends and neighbors at these local events makes my heart glow. I know the traditional route for artists is to show their work at craft fairs, but I have a hunch that there just isn’t the same sense of community there. I love seeing familiar faces and serving my local area.
Market season starts in May - I hope to see you there!
Boonsboro Farmers Market - every Tuesday at Shafer Park (near the police station) 3pm - 7pm. Starts in May.
Brunswick Farmers Market - second and last Friday every month at the Martins Creek parking lot 4pm - 7pm. Starts in May.

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